added: Now filename/folder that is passed on command line and that doesn't contain drive part of filename is treated like it is on the same drive as the program. That makes it easy to start MX from CD-ROM with Windows "autorun" functionality and allows one to specify default startup image/folder on CD
fixed: Some potential problem in slideshow if first image is invalid.
fixed: If open image file was renamed in-place then file operation (copy/move etc) after that was unsuccessful since it wanted to use old name.
fixed: After move or delete operation in Tagged Files window the file list is validated after unsuccessful file operation and files that were successfully moved/deleted will be removed from the tagged files list.
setup fix: Early 2.0.8 release had German and French languages exchanged in setup so choosing German installed French.
2.0.8 (January 30, 1999):
fixed: Sometimes image conversion caused error "There was an error during file conversion" if the source image was not 1, 4, 8 or 24 bits/pixel.
changed: Statusbar displays now image bits per pixel (bpp) instead of number of colors after dimensions.
changed: In setup, chosen interface language is activated at MX startup
added: If there is one or more files tagged, little reg flag image is displayed on statusbar
added: The Insert key invokes the Create Folder dialog
2.0.7 (December 26, 1998):
fixed: If the full screen window (Full Screen command) was closed via mouse click and below that fullscreen window, at the position of the mouse pointer, was a toolbar button, the button click was also initiated after the window was closed. So if you clicked toolbar button to view an image full screen, then image was displayed and without moving the mouse you wanted to close the full screen window by clicking the mouse button again, the fullscreen image was closed OK, but then displayed again (like you were clicking the Full Screen toolbar button again).
2.0.6 (December 25, 1998):
added: Now the Position Wallpaper command works with Windows 98 too. But keep in mind that MX creates wallpaper with the size of your entire screen, paints it with the background color and then draws your image on specified position. That is workaround since Windows 98 doesn't support wallpaper on specified position as Windows 95 did. Since many people have asked this feature, I decided to realize it that way. Desktop pattern, if you have one, is not drawn and also the Tile checkbox is not available in the Position window.
2.0.5 (December 24, 1998):
added: slideshow editor: if file list has focus, Ctrl + A selects all items
added: slideshow editor: you can now re-arrange selected files in the listbox via Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow keyboard shortcut (filelist must have focus)
fixed: slideshow editor: sometimes pressing New button didn't open new file if the current file was not changed
fixed: slideshow editor: using the Del key to remove last file from the list caused error message to displayed
2.0.4 (December 17, 1998):
fixed: Fixes one bad bad bug that was introduced by version 2.0.3. You were not able to browse folder when wanted to copy/move file.
If you see something is very wrong, always tell as soon as possible.
2.0.3 (December 16, 1998):
fixed: Multimedia Detective included EXE, DLL and ICL files as icons. Now it only lists ICO files
fixed: Disk size and free space with large FAT32 disks was reported wrong (on status bar and in system info)
fixed: Now shows right file size/count on status bar after automatic folder update
2.0.2 (November 21, 1998):
fixed: Disk free space was reported wrong if jumped from one drive to another. The free space showed was about previously selected drive
fixed: If open video, sound file is removed via managa/Remove command, the file is closed now before trying to rename
fixed: Some cursor problems
changed: If no last used folder doesn't exist on next start, no error message displayed
2.0.1 (October 14, 1998):
fixed: due to a stupid typo, the conversion into startup & shutdown logo from any bitmap graphics was not enabled
fixed: *.MPV files were listed twice
fixed: if a menu was open and F1 was hit, an error message about missing topic was displayed
fixed: Multimedia Detective had no help topis if the F1 key was pressed in MD window
fixed: now in slideshow the Up Arrow key displays previous slide and the Down Arrow key displays next one (were in change before)
fixed: in Convert dialog, if non-existing folder was choosed from the Favorites combo, error message was displayed but the Convert dialog itsef disappeared
fixed: converting icon from library with "automatic" color depth resulted invalid color count saved
added: the DAT video type added (Multimedia Detecive won't list them, since there are too much other files with the extension DAT that are NOT video files)